How many people actually use the Corona contact tracing app? How does the distance measurement work? How is the risk warning issued - and how do we deal with possible errors? These questions are answered in the following overview.
We currently assume 15 million users with 18.4 downloads. In a European context, the German Corona-Warn-App is way ahead of its counterparts.
Two new approaches were successfully integrated by SAP and Telekom into the Corona Contact Tracing app. The use of the new Exposure Notification Framework from Google and Apple as well as the use of Bluetooth for distance determination enable important basic research and provide the basis for improvements.
Past error messages and interaction problems between operating systems could be resolved in the shortest possible time thanks to our partnership. With an intensified testing strategy, we want to recognize emerging errors early on in the future, and to make the app more robust.
Due to restrictions relating to data protection, the number of risk warnings actually sent by the app is not known. To respect the wishes of large segments of the population, the identity and data of the users are reliably protected. However, there are no questions concerning the functionality of the app, since it has been borne out by reports of risk warnings in local newspapers and social media.
Everyone should use the Corona-Warn-App and help fight the pandemic!